Samsung Galaxy Nexus: rilasciata la [ROM] Xylon 4.2.1 //010 // 3.12.2012

Il team Xylon ha rilasciato la [ROM] Xylon 4.2.1 //010 // 3.12.2012 per il Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Qui di seguito trovate il changelog e le note di versione:

version 010 // 3.12.2012

Our About section
Messaging - enhanced quick reply layout
Notification Light fixes
Screen off tile
Wifi, signal text and colors
Tune up the speed
Add zRam
Kernel - Tuna: A lot of incremental updates

version 009 // 2.12.2012

Launcher2 wasn't modified. Blame myself.
Revert to original holo style theme chooser, found out no one prefers that.
Add nano <Forgot bout this, we need 'em for editing>
NFC Polling
Fix NFC and Wifi Tile (sethyx)


Android 4.2.1 JOP40D
All the features that's meant to be used daily
Zipaligned, Rooted, Nano'ed, all the things you need
Custom Kernel integrated

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