Proseguono gli sviluppi della custom rom Codename Android che ora raggiunge la versione 3.6.6. Di seguito il changelog delle ultime due versioni:
Codename Android 3.6.5 – 3.6.6 Changelog
* enables custom navigation bar keys and ring on 10inch tablets (Stevespear426)
* added the option to change the soft keyboard type when composing messages (GzFighter):
Gives the user the option to change the keyboard from Emoji to enter or a
new line or enter to send. The setting has no effect on the hardware keyboard.
* increased the default number of sms messages sent in checking period (TeamBAMF)
* added screenshot option to navbar settings (Stevespear426)
* updated navbar color picker (Patrick L)
* fixed audio wakelock on galaxy s3
* fixed reverting to 700mhz on screen on galaxy nexus
* fixed QuickMessage popup force closing when receiveing Mms and QuickMessage themeing support
* fixed switching custom navbar icons without resetting the navbar
Codename Android 3.6.0 – 3.6.5 Changelog
* new Codename(Android) wallpapers -
(Codenamedroid, LordGarlicbeard, Paranoid Android)
* custom navbar icons - (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, modified to work with CNA)
* notification wallpaper - (xoomdev, modified to work with CNA)
* statusbar transparency - (Paranoid Android)
* re-added navbar color
* added force tablet and dpi change
(dagr8 - Settings -> Interface -> Gerneral UI)
* added alternate signal layout
(Zaphod-Beeblebrox - Settings -> Interface -> Status bar)
* added IME switcher and Ring/Vibe toggle as navring target
(Boris Bershadskiy)
* added IME toggler as Navbar target (Boris Bershadskiy)
* increased themeability of the statusbar (Zaphod-Beeblebrox)
* added the advanced calulator features from cm
* add alow mock sms to developer settings (jruesga)
* new command line tools:
htop, lsof, powertop, nano, vim
Per maggiori dettagli e per i download ecco il link alla pagina ufficiale su XDA:
samsung galaxy nexus
I can't connect to wifi
RispondiEliminasorry, i don't know why, but you can install the updated version (3.8 ) of this custom rom. Take it there: