Cyanogenmod: rilasciata la CM10.1 Nightly 20130110

Minor update oggi per la Cyanogenmod 10.1 Nightly. Ecco il changelog della CM10.1 Nightly 20130110:

Fix lock screen timeouts (android_frameworks_base)
CMFM: Do not use cd and pwd commands (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
Gallery: Removed "Settings" item from menu. (GallerySettings are empty) (android_packages_apps_Gallery2)
Gallery: Removed "Settings" item from menu. (GallerySettings are empty) (android_packages_apps_Gallery2)
Revert "Fix copy JNI files of Term.apk" (android_vendor_cm)
Navbar : Padding fix (android_frameworks_base)
bugfix: allow recent apps dialog to work with menu long-press (android_frameworks_base)

Per i download:

Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :

Gapps (check always the latest version) :

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