Cyanogenmod: rilasciata la CM10.1 Nightly 20130104

Cyanogenmod ha rilasciato la CM10.1 Nightly 20130104. Negli ultimi due aggiornamenti si è dato molto risalto a Chronus, il nuovo Lock screen e sono state apportate delle lievi modifiche al file manager ufficiale.

Per i download:

Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :

Gapps (check always the latest version) :

Ecco il changelog:

Chronus: Standardize preference categories and layout (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Chronus: Add support for alternate (Color) weather icons (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Chronus: Add ability to configure minutes and date/alarm fonts (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
CMFileManager: Updated menu strings to reduce confusion regarding copy & move (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
Chronus: Fix weather invert low / high temperatures (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Allow using the torch widget as keyguard widget. (android_packages_apps_Torch)
stagefright: OMXCodec: Re-enable OMX.TI.Video.encoder's quirks (android_frameworks_av)
GlobalActions: Fix dialog dismissal (android_frameworks_base)
Chronus: grammar fix for settings (android_packages_apps_LockClock)

input: Add option to toggle pointer icon when using stylus (android_frameworks_base)
settings: Add option to toggle the pointer icon when using stylus (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Disable touch while using the stylus (Galaxy Note) (android_frameworks_base)
Screenshot : Pass current user (android_frameworks_base)
Chronus: Updated drawables (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Chronus: Add ability to hide All day events in the calendar panel (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Fixed aapt warnings (android_frameworks_base)
Chronus: Optimizations (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
Settings: Fix the SMS Limit setting location (android_packages_apps_Settings)
sensordevice: Dummy ALS: Solve fortified libc warning (android_frameworks_native)
LockClock (aka Chronus): Remove build warnings (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
PowerWidget: fix airplane mode toggle (android_frameworks_base)

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