Cyanogenmod: rilasciata la CM10.1 Nightly 20130106

Cyanogenmod ha rilasciato la CM10.1 Nightly 20130106. Oggi le modifiche non riguardano tanto le applicazioni ma si concentrano sul sistema interno (android_frameworks e android_dalvik)

Per i download:

Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :

Gapps (check always the latest version) :

Ecco il changelog:

Revert "JIT: Performance fix for const doubles" (android_dalvik)
ActionBar: Compute required items prior to optional items (android_frameworks_base)
Fix log spam: Failed to open (android_frameworks_av)
CMFM: Fixes and Improvements (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
GlobalActions: Fix possible race condition when showing dialog. (android_frameworks_base)
stagefright: add support for samsung proprietary omx (android_frameworks_av)
Settings: Fix color picker ComposeShader view (android_packages_apps_Settings)

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