Cyanogenmod: rilasciata CM10.1 Nightly 20121228 per Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Il team Cyanogenmod ha rilasciato la CM10.1 Nightly 20121228 per diversi smartphone, tra cui il Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Le modifiche oggi si sono concentrate nell'area launcher e nella gestione della fotocamera.

Per i download:

Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :

Gapps (check always the latest version) :

Ecco il changelog:

Launcher: Don't remove pending add info with shortcut pick (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
camera: add support for various scene modes (android_packages_apps_Camera)
camera: add support for various focus modes (android_packages_apps_Camera)
Revert "Optimize the CM builds" (android_build)
Hotseat: Icon scale (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Workspace: Fix folder creation (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Workspace: Fix sw720dp scrolling indicator (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Fix ringing audio focus handling. (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)
Set ringtone mode even if ringer is silent. (android_packages_apps_Phone)
Properly handle changes in phone audio focus. (android_frameworks_base)
If there's a contacts DB change while the dialpad is open, reload the cache instead of dropping it. (android_packages_apps_Contacts)

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