Lo staff di CyanogenMod ha reso disponibile la versione CM10 20121011 NIGHTLY per Galaxy Nexus. La novità più importante è che a partire dalla versione di ieri tutte le custom rom sono già dotate di sistema operativo Android 4.1.2 come vedete dalla foto.
Per i download recatevi a questo indirizzo: http://get.cm/?device=maguro&type=nightly
Riporto tutte le novità nel changelog:
no changelog
libstagefright: Add support for the 720P OMAP3 encoders (android_frameworks_av)
toolbox/dmesg: do not hardcode KLOG_BUF_LEN (android_system_core)
Fix to correspond to the kernel operations. (android_bionic)
Apollo: Added danish translations for external file dialog (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
systemui: Restore original status bar date view spacing (android_frameworks_base)
German: Add missing strings (android_packages_apps_Mms)
PT-BR: Added Missing Translations (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Update Russian Translation-Settings-CM10 (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Added danish translations for dock settings (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: German translation for mock sms & cleanup (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Calculator: Add german translation for new features (android_packages_apps_Calculator)
Allow full themeing of mms via theme chooser (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Settings - Added missing Croatian translations (android_packages_apps_Settings)
envsetup: OUT_DIR: use ANDROID_BUILD_TOP (android_build)
framework/base: fixed romanian translation (android_frameworks_base)
SpareParts: Added czech translation (android_packages_apps_SpareParts)
Phone: Update czech translation (android_packages_apps_Phone)
Trebuchet: Added czech translations (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Settings: Added missing czech translations for arrays and update (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Framework: Added czech translations (android_frameworks_base)
SystemUI: Added czech translations (android_frameworks_base)
core/Makefile: avoid exceeding MAX_ARG_STRLEN (android_build)
* Only do a cancel discovery if the device is discovering. * explicitly close input and outputstream. This could prevent objects from being cleaned up before the next connect attempt. (android_frameworks_base)
NotificationLightSettings: Use config.xml provided default LED colors and on/off times. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Services: Fix for dock audio routing (android_frameworks_base)
Improved Finnish translation for the bluetooth app (android_packages_apps_Bluetooth)
Phone: updated romanian translation (android_packages_apps_Phone)
Apollo: fixed romanian translation (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
Set untranslatable string values (android_packages_apps_DeskClock)
Torch: Fix deprecation (android_packages_apps_Torch)
Hungarian translation for the Calculator and resizing the text on the buttons (android_packages_apps_Calculator)
Updated and improved Finnish translation for the Browser app (android_packages_apps_Browser)
Added hungarian translation for sendMockSms settings (android_frameworks_base)
Added hungarian translation for cmupdate and dock settings (android_packages_apps_Settings)
FR: Update Translations MMS App (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Gallery2: Fix hard code message. (android_packages_apps_Gallery2)
add mesmerizemtd to build targets (android_vendor_cm)
unmask SIGCHILD so waitpid won't return -ECHILD (android_external_openvpn)
envsetup: set OUT_DIR to an absolute path always (android_build)
Add simple caching to XML compilation (android_frameworks_base)