Nella serata di ieri è stata rilasciata la CM20120216 che si presenta con un'importante novità: la versione di base Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean con un corposo changelog che potrete vedere alla fine di questo articolo.
Inavvertitamente ho installato questa Nightly senza fare un backup della versione precedente ma tutto sommato non ci sono stati grandissimi problemi. Qualche bug c'è soprattutto in fase di avvio mentre oggi dopo aver installato la versione del 17 febbraio ho dovuto fare i conti con una schermata nera fissa all'avvio e almeno 5 minuti di panico nel vedere una (per fortuna solo momentanea) impossibilità di procedere al nandroid restore.
A cosa sia dovuto questo temporaneo down del mio fido Galaxy Nexus non posso saperlo con certezza, tuttavia ho buoni motivi per credere che il problema sia dovuto alle modifiche del boot animation. Nel momento in cui scrivo sto effettuando un lentissimo nandroid restore. Qualcosa è andato storto quindi in tutta sincerità non mi sento di consigliarvi il flash di questa custom rom o almeno non la versione di oggi.
Il team Cyanogenmod sta sperimentando: lo ha fatto con l'animazione di boot e con una nuova funzionalità/bug perché ancora non ho capito l'utilità di rendere adb compatibile solo con l'ultima versione dell'SDK. Secondo il team si tratta di una sicurezza in più ma per quanto mi riguarda si è rivelato solo essere un fastidio in quanto ho dovuto necessariamente scaricare di nuovo e installare l'SDK (che tra l'altro viene fornito senza platform tools). Seguirà tra l'altro una guida per installare l'sdk completo su Linux. Per accorgersi se l'SDK è vecchio basta aprire il terminale dalla cartella platform tools e digitare adb devices. Se vi verrà fuori una sequenza di numeri e la scritta offline dovrete aggiornare l'SDK.
La versione del 16 febbraio invece è buona: qualche lag iniziale c'è ma dopo due o tre riavvi le prestazioni sono uguali ad Android 4.2.1. L'autonomia, ottima era, ottima rimane. Resta da capire la causa della schermata nera dopo l'installazione della Nightly del 17 (che sia stato un pacchetto corrotto?). Qualunque cosa decidiate di fare FATE PRIMA UN NANDROID BACKUP!!!
Per i download:
Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :
Gapps (check always the latest version) :
Ecco il changelog delle ultime versioni:
bootanimation: performance/speedup enhancements (squashed from CM10) (android_frameworks_base)
Fix Quiet Hours not muting notification sounds (android_frameworks_base)
build: Relax Cortex CFLAGS (android_build)
libc: Add optimized memcpy for Cortex-A15 (android_bionic)
libc: Enable the fast memmove for NEON targets (android_bionic)
camera: Add options to better control video preview size (android_packages_apps_Camera)
Tuna : Enable ROW I/O Scheduler (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
Add ROW I/O Scheduler by Qualcomm. (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
tuna: otg fixes (android_device_samsung_tuna)
mm: Hold a file reference in madvise_remove (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
gpu: pvr: Update to DDK 1.8@2198402 (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
net: wireless: bcmdhd: Enable P2P probe request handling only during discovery (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
Keyguard: Reduce font size of clock in status keyguard (sw720dp) (portrait) (android_frameworks_base)
build: move bionic optimizations to NEON makefile (android_build)
Apollo: Update values (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
The suggested changes have been made. (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
Leading whitespace removed. (android_packages_apps_Bluetooth)
SystemUI: allow update Mobile Network Type tile display (android_frameworks_base)
audio: apply volume on DirectOutput streams (android_frameworks_av)
libstagefright: Adjustment for TunnelPlayer buffer size (android_frameworks_av)
Lockscreen Targets: Icon Revamp (android_frameworks_base)
Settings: Lockscreen Targets Icon Revamp (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Make system layout fill the window properly on expanded desktop mode (android_frameworks_base)
policy: always use hardware acceleration for keyguard (android_frameworks_base)
fmradio: use caf naming (android_frameworks_av)
fmradio: cleanup QCOM_FM_ENABLED/STE_FM defs and ifdef (android_hardware_libhardware_legacy)
fmradio: enable STE radio (android_hardware_qcom_audio-caf)
fmradio: cleanup QCOM_HARDWARE/STE_FM defs and ifdef (android_system_core)
Fix ION_IOC_MAP error on old ion api during drm video playback (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Email: Remove redundant lines (android_packages_apps_Email)
Mms: Remove redundant lines (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Intent now pointed correctly to ChooseLockPattern (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Add stack canaries / strcpy tests. (android_bionic)
Revert "memcmp: prefetch optimizing for ARM Cortex-A8/A9" (android_bionic)
Add optimized version of memset for Cortex A9 (android_bionic)
Tests for string routines. (android_bionic)
glibc 2.15 treats errno as signed in strerror(3). (android_bionic)
FORTIFY_SOURCE: remove memcpy overlap checks (android_bionic)
Add optimized version of memcmp for Cortex A9 (android_bionic)
libc: Add ARCH_ARM flags to enable new optimizations (android_bionic)
Simple google3-compatible benchmarking. (android_bionic)
FORTIFY_SOURCE: optimize (android_bionic)
libm: Enable fast NEON pow() for supported targets (android_bionic)
Add optimized version of memcpy for Cortex A9 (android_bionic)
Add a memmove(3) benchmark. (android_bionic)
fix strerror_r test (android_bionic)
build: Enable Bionic optimizations on Cortex platforms (android_build)
Settings: Remove redundant lines (android_packages_apps_Settings)
overlay: mdssRot: Do not reset non-rotation flags. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Revert "gralloc: Support for old and new ION API" (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
overlay: mdssRot: Fix the logic for setting Rotator info flags. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libgralloc: Add support for custom buffer size. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Add display metadata in buffer handle (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
gralloc: Add TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP flag for non-AOSP features (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwc: Log if vsync read takes more than 2 expected vsyncs (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Reconcile display HALs (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
mdssRotator:For Venus, rotator buffer size depends on rotated w/h (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Add support for Venus color format for newer platforms (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
liboverlay: Set mdp src format as rotator output format. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
liboverlay: Mdss Rotator secure buffer needs to be aligned to 1M. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
liboverlay: Fix stride alignment issue for s/w decoded video. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
overlay: mdssRot: Fix stale rotation flag values. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Update buffer dimensions with new dimension (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Enable ADB authentication by default. (android_vendor_cm)
Some post-merge cleanup for automatic brightness adjustment (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Add method to PowerManager that allows querying the lowest possible brightness. (android_frameworks_base)
Fix a number of issues introduced with the increasing volume setting (android_packages_apps_DeskClock)
Mms: Use a more familiar 'mark as read' icon (android_packages_apps_Mms)
overlay: Remove unnecessary lock. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: use metadata ioctl to get panel frame rate (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libexternal: change the order of ioctl call for HDMI (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
gralloc: Remove update rect (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwc: Call MSMFB_DISPLAY_COMMIT even if FB handle is null. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
gralloc: Fix redefinition of metadata struct (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwcomposer: In Mdss,secure content policy applies to layer buffer (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwc: Do not set Secure flags for UI layers (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libhwcomposer: Don't count video layers marked for SKIP (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libexternal: set hw.hdmiON system property (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
gralloc: Do not set ION_SECURE for non-contiguous heaps (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libgralloc: force 1M alignment for secure buffers (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Add support for overscan compensation for ext display (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwc: Pass transform value while cropping dst rect (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
hwc: Don't use MDP for buffers of width less than 5 (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Use GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED to indicate secure content (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Update copyright to The Linux Foundation (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
liboverlay: Enable secure content flag in Mdss Rotator. (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
display: Add support for MDP 4.1 (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
external: use metadata ioctl to set vic (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
libhwcomposer: Allow 2 YUV layer frames to use MDP composition (android_hardware_qcom_display-caf)
Settings: Fix build warnings (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Simplyfiy expanded desktop summary (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Add summary for launch music app when headset is connected (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Remove drop target text in landscape (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
removed hardcoded reference to stock cm calendar app; ask for calendar app instead (android_packages_apps_LockClock)
build: local_manifest.xml deprecated, use local_manifests (android_build)
Added missing titles (android_packages_apps_Email)
Add back backlight curve adjustment. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Add back backlight brightness curve adjustment. (android_frameworks_base)
build: add strip on kernel modules (android_build)
fix for correct handling of video snapshot feature (android_packages_apps_Camera)
squisher: Get rid of it. The pngcrush tool does not add any noticeable value any more, such that it justifies the extra build time: 240MB vs 238MB. The build.prop changes are now no ops, since the key for no longer exists. Chang (android_vendor_cm)