Cyanogenmod: rilasciata la CM10.1 Nightly 20130117

Cyanogenmod ha rilasciato la CM10.1 Nightly 20130117. In questi giorni sono state effettuate alcune piccole modifiche alle impostazioni, al File Manager e al launcher Trebuchet.

Per i download:

Get the Latest Nightly Build from here :

Gapps (check always the latest version) :

Ecco il changelog:

Remove app security settings from lockscreen settings. (android_packages_apps_Settings)
SMSDispatcher: Add option for sending pseudo-multipart SMSes (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)
telephony: set additional audio parameters for incall audio (2/2) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)
telephony: set additional audioparameters for incall audio (1/2) (android_frameworks_base)
roomservice: Allow following up tag references (android_build)

Allow setting a per-device default configuration for STATUS_BAR_BATTERY (android_frameworks_base)
Make an exception for MR0_AUDIO_BLOB in loadHwModule_l (android_frameworks_av)
libmedia: implement samsungs isSeparatedStream, built audioparameter (android_frameworks_av)
es_ES: Spanish traslations (android_packages_apps_Settings)
envsetup: More PROMPT_COMMAND (android_build)
CMFM: Support for Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
CMFM: Fix select/unselect from menu dialog (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
CMFM: Fix change to root when initial directory not exists (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
CMFM: Wait indefinitely on privileged console allocation (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
Fix DSP Manager (android_device_samsung_tuna)
Wi-Fi: Ping the driver for wifi-only devices (android_frameworks_base)
Revert "Patch Set 2/2: Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks" (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Revert "Patch Set 1/2: Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks" (android_frameworks_base)
QuickSettings: wifi display optimization (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Quick Settings - adjust dynamic tile display (android_packages_apps_Settings)

Revert "Preferences: Koush steals yachts" (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Revert "Preferences: Koush steals yachts" (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
Revert "Preferences: Remove useless log" (android_packages_apps_Trebuchet)
A tiny optimalization (android_frameworks_base)
CMFM: Change mode from 755 to 644 (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
Fixed voodoo multipliers stuff (android_kernel_samsung_tuna)
CMFM: Properly handle async task exception (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)
CMFM: Fix relaunchables exceptions (android_packages_apps_CMFileManager)

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